Please note the following (these guidelines are subject to change based on public health orders
and guidance from Scouts NSW):
in consideration of our neighbours we will NOT hire the hall after 9:00 pm;
we are classified as a Community Hall and all hirers are required to follow these Scouts NSW guidelines [PDF];
hire times MUST include set up, tidy up and cleaning times;
all rubbish and recycling must be removed from the Hall after each use;
all lost property must be taken with you (we will dispose of anything left behind);
we leave 30 minutes between each hall hire to avoid unnecessary crowding, ensure proper cleaning is
completed, and any potential delays for the second hirer are avoided;
as 1st Boronia is an active Scouting group, there may be an occasional need for our volunteers to pickup
or dropoff trailers during your hire period (most likely on Friday or Saturday mornings, or Sunday
afternoon/evenings). Leaders are able to access the yard and shed, without entering the hall, and will
keep any interruption to your hire as brief as possible.